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Welcome to another HAM site - Ham is just another word for radio amateur.
DB1PB Nachlass
What is Ham Radio?   How to become a ham

German DOK list (local DARC clubs)  

Beacon lists by frequency:     2m/70 cm       Shortwave

Graphics for 10 m beacon audibility in C. Europe

Worldwide IARU Beacon Net

More beacon info incl. 50 MHz

Radio play/drama links (in German)
You'd like to learn more about a specific ham call? Enter it here!

postbox e-mail address
Mailing Address: Andre Schmidt, Am Kirchweg 8, D-56355 Lautert
Tel.: 06772 2043 (international: 49 6772 2043)

DL8WX is my registered German call as an Amateur Radio operator

Last revision: Jan 9, 2014. Copyright © 2000-2014 by DL8WX. All Rights Reserved.